Passive House is a design and performance standard developed in Germany in the 1970’s.

The following are a group of non-profit affiliates of the Passive House movement. If you want a quick introdcution, watch the 90 second video below. If you REALLY want to know more, see Morgan Law's lecture on an Introduction to Passive House given at the Colorado Renewable Energy Society (CRES) Denver Chapter annual meeting. 

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Passive  House Rocky Mountains

This regional chapter provides advocacy, education and training opportunities to builders, designers and the general public. 

Passive House Institute of the u.S.

PHIUS provides trainings, consultant services and wide array of other resources for designing and building super energy efficient residential and commercial buildings within the U.S.


passivhaus International (PHI)

The international organization provides certifications for construction projects, assemblies, windows and other building components. PHI is recognized throughout the world as the most rigurous energy efficient building standard.